Site Redesign

I've redesigned the website to encompass more of my interests. My interests and projects stretch far beyond just Amiga OS 4. Therefore making this one of the main sections simply made expanding this site difficult. Hence, I have changed the site's structure, before such changes become major overhauls. The lack of visitors at present makes this easier; there are no external links that will be screwed up by this change. 

More CMS troubles

It would appear that I did not solve quite all the compatibility issues between Silverstripe and my web-host. Yesterday I was unable to upload files. The problem? It was once-again searching for files in the wrong locations. For some reason, it still insists on prepending "/admin/assets" to URLs - sometimes multiple times - when in the file uploads section.

Why use XHTML at all?

I decided to add a Google Adsense bar discretely at the bottom of the page, and once again, I had trouble with Firefox. Internet Explorer displayed the page just fine, but Firefox added the new advertisement below the existing ads at the top of the page.

I declare this site to be fully operational

Whilst this site looked like it was working just fine, I was having some trouble with the CMS. For example, the security, comments and files & images administration pages weren't working. On the public part of the site, the blog tags and archive links resulted in "page not found" errors. 

First Human Visitors

According to Google Analytics, the first few human visitors have stumbled upon this site. They came from the USA, Germany and Australia. I'm actually surprised how quickly this happened as this site still is not linked to from other websites, and still has little content (I'm working on that).

Yahoo slurped!

It appears that the single link to my site that Google indexed was enough to entice Yahoo in for a snoop, or should that be slurp. Yes, Yahoo's search-bot is called "Yahoo! slurp." Google describes their "Googlebot" as a spider that crawls the web; Yahoo is a little less delicate and slurps instead. Branding at work, even if only website administrators see it in their logs.

Google has added this site to their index...

... but just the login page.

XHTML, Google Adsense, and Firefox 2

EDIT (2008/06/26): I have since encountered more problems with XHTML and Adsense, and have come up with a much simpler, and more effective, solution.  

Another day, another blog.

Yes, I've finally set up my own website, and hence, yet another blog has been added to the internet. But fear not, this won't be another spewing out personal opinions for everything from politics to gardening; nor is this a corporate blog set up to promote a career. It will mostly be covering things that will appear on this site. The main reason that I got round to making this site was that I finally found a web-host with the right features at the right price. This will be a place for me to give others information about some of my projects, many of which are Amiga OS 4 related. Additionally, I may post articles which I think will be of use to others with similar interests to me. Most content will be related to computers, engineering and technology.

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