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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd?

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Author Topic:Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? 12679 Views
  • sse
    Community Member
    2 Posts

    Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? Link to this post


    sorry for a probably naive question, but is AGP support on the Pegasos II possible?
    There's a AGP version available of the X1550.
    Maybe I can help to get it started?


  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? Link to this post

    To date I have not found a single AGP card that can support the higher voltage of a 2x AGP slot. 4x/8x cards use lower voltages, and don't necessarily support 2x voltages. This is why I'm using PCI graphics cards.

    I am writing an email to Genesi right now, asking if they could update the firmware. It is a discontinued motherboard but, if the bug is still present on the firmware for newer boards, we just might be able to get them to provide an update.


  • sse
    Community Member
    2 Posts

    Re: Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? Link to this post


    thanks for your quick reply.
    I was afraid of that it is a hardware limitation...
    If Genesi/bplan doesn't respond to your email, I could try to call them up (bplan), as I live in Germany.

    Cheers, Stephan

  • Reth
    Community Member
    4 Posts

    Re: Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? Link to this post

    I also contacted bplan on this and forwared their reply to Hans quite a while ago (January this year). Currently they are not planning to update the firmware since this would require testing all mainboard revisions against hundreds of different accessory parts (memory modules, GFX cards, etc.).

    What I'd like to know is whether their will be other Radeon cards supported by this driver in future? According to this list (http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/737-18872ATIAGPGraphicsCards-AGPComplianceDetails.aspx) their are some of them using 3.3V AGP connectors, for example X1300. Unfortunately I did not yet find more modern ones still supporting AGP 2x but on the above list AMD mentions:
    "The HD Series products from the 2000 series and up are designed by our partners, please contact the board manufacture for details regarding AGP Compliance Details." So there might be a chance!

    Any news on this topic on your side, Hans?

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? Link to this post

    What I'd like to know is whether their will be other Radeon cards supported by this driver in future? According to this list (http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/737-18872ATIAGPGraphicsCards-AGPComplianceDetails.aspx) their are some of them using 3.3V AGP connectors, for example X1300.

    Interesting. If you can find an example of an AGP Radeon X1300 that supports AGP 2x speeds and is available, then let me know. The driver supports the X1300, so it should work.

    Unfortunately I did not yet find more modern ones still supporting AGP 2x but on the above list AMD mentions:
    "The HD Series products from the 2000 series and up are designed by our partners, please contact the board manufacture for details regarding AGP Compliance Details." So there might be a chance!

    I haven't found a single HD series AGP card that supports the older 2x voltages, and don't expect it either. As far as manufacturers of newer cards are concerned AGP 2x is well and truly obsolete, and so isn't worth the extra effort.

    Any news on this topic on your side, Hans?
    The AGP support problem is a hardware issue, and the Pegasos II problem is a firmware issue. I cannot do anything about either of those.



  • Reth
    Community Member
    4 Posts

    Re: Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? Link to this post


    Sorry for the misunderstanding! I just ment any news regarding which cards you're driver will be supporting and maybe news from bplan to you meanwhile.

    I'm just trying to get my hands on a X1300 AGP 3.3V but I could not find any so far. Not even used ones! I also read an article stating that the X1600 has also been manufactured as AGP version (not sure whether 3.3V or not)!

    Just stumbled upon the Radeon 9800 Pro and X1050 (see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units#Radeon_R500_.28X1xxx.29_series). Are these supported by your drivers?

    Best Regards

  • Hans
    231 Posts

    Re: Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? Link to this post


    Just stumbled upon the Radeon 9800 Pro and X1050 (see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units#Radeon_R500_.28X1xxx.29_series). Are these supported by your drivers?

    No, the lowest card that is supported is the Radeon X1300.


  • Reth
    Community Member
    4 Posts

    Re: Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd? Link to this post

    What a pitty! A user X1050 I've already been able to locate but no X1300 with AGP 2x at all (neither used nor new)!

    Also my email I send to GCube - questioning what has been the latest Radeon with AGP 2x (3.3V) they've produced and whether it is still buyable or not - has not been answered yet.

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Forums » Amiga OS Projects » Maybe stupid question: AGP support for radeonhd?